The first agricultural exhibition was held in the Urbainville schoolyard on October 17, 1903. It comprised only 18 competitive classes: six for animals (calves, ewe lambs, ram lambs, swine, chickens and ducks), ten for cereals and vegetables (wheat, white oats, black oats, barley, McIntyre potatoes, other varieties of potatoes, turnips, mangles, carrots and shallots), one for butter and, lastly, one class for hooked rugs.
Encouraged by the success of this first exhibition, the Urbainville farmers decided to organize a second event, expanded to include members of the Union Farmers’ Institute from the entire parish of Egmont Bay who were invited to participate. This took place on October 20, 1904, on the grounds of the church hall where it continued to be held annually until 1938.
Not only did the number of exhibitors increase at this second exhibition, but the competitive classes jumped from 18 to 43. Classes were added for horses, dairy cattle, turkeys and geese. The cereals, vegetables and fruit divisions now included buckwheat, hayseed, corn, table beets, cabbage, onions, beans, pumpkins, tomatoes, apples, plums and cranberries. Finally, the women could compete in two new craft classes, one for homespun cloth and the other for blankets made from local yarn.
The importance of the third exhibition, which was held on October 19, 1905, lays in the fact that farmers from the neighboring parish of Mont Carmel joined those of Egmont Bay. From then on, the event became known as the Egmont Bay and Mont Carmel Exhibition and, until 1948, exhibitors were restricted to residents from these two parishes.